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Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 77 - Spring (Sep-Nov) 2023 > Blessings, Blessed, Bless (by Neroli Josey)

Blessings, Blessed, Bless

by Neroli Josey

What a thankless lot the lepers were (Luke 17:11-18). Imagine their exuberance at having been healed. The nine who didn't return to thank Jesus would have been overwhelmed with gratitude to be mingling in society once more, joyfully spending time with friends and family. Picturing the lepers happiness, we can hardly blame them for forgetting to communicate their gratefulness.

Being grateful is a wonderful feeling. Expressing this gratefulness is powerful. David, the Psalmist knew this as seen in Psalm 103:2 where he wrote "Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me" (New Living Translation). Spend some time pondering your blessings. How have you been blessed this week or this year so far? Psalm 103 lists blessings including our forgiveness and redemption. All of us are extremely blessed.

Sometimes the struggles of life cause us to forget our blessings. Consumed by busyness, difficulties and daily happenings of our day we often find ourselves focusing on issues or resolutions to problems to the point where our blessings are pushed to the far recesses of our minds.

We need to manage our problems or they will be our focus, preventing us from being who we were created to be. One way people cope with their struggles is by reading various wellbeing and self-help books where beneficial advice is given such as spending time outdoors, sleeping sufficiently, eat healthfully, finding hobbies, journaling and socialising. Jesus exemplified this by taking his exhausted disciples to a desert place and resting (Mark 6:31). Let us follow Jesus example and practise self-care by taking time to rest. What a blessing the Sabbath is. We know Jesus kept the Sabbath on earth. Interestingly, people who are not Sabbath keepers are now seeing the benefits of keeping one day a week to rejuvenate away from work and become a better version of ourselves.

How Paul coped with problems is inspirational. He was shipwrecked, imprisoned, persecuted and beaten (Acts Chapters 16 and 27). How amazing that Paul said he could praise God in all circumstances, even singing in prison. Paul endured much, yet Paul was thankful, as mentioned in the Bible at least 46 times. Like Paul we need to remember how blessed we are, no matter the situation. Paul had a thankful heart because he knew where his strength to cope with difficulties, setbacks and problems came from. In Philippians 4:13 Paul notes "For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength". It's exciting that we can be like Paul and tap into that same strength from God.

A way we can gain the same strength Paul had from God through setting time aside to read the blessing that is our Bibles, "… a lamp to our feet and a light to our path" (Psalm 119:105, NLT).  Having this direction, leading us into truth, helping us to know God better is strength inducing. Our faith comes from and grows from reading the Bible contemplatively, the Holy Spirit speaks to our mind and impresses its truth on our hearts. Let's challenge ourselves to read our Bibles more and grow in our spiritual lives.

Paul found power to rise above challenges by praying. Philippians 4:6 tells us "Don't worry about anything: instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (NLT). Reading this text several times when we feel the stresses of life is very soothing. Paul knew he had messed up in life. He killed people and fought against God. What is significant here is that instead of ruminating about his problems he gave them to God. According to Philippians 3:13 Paul forgot the things that were behind him. Paul controlled his thought life thinking about good, noble and positive things worthy of praise according to Phillipians 4:8. Paul grew spiritually and moved forward. We can cast our burdens on God too and find peace. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus tells us to come to him with our burdens and we will find rest. In John 14:27 Jesus says "I am leaving with you a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I leave is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid" (NLT). In spite of our circumstances, we can feel a peace that only comes from God. What a blessing!

What a blessing it is that our challenges are overcome by utilising God's inexhaustible everlasting power. Let's work at our personal relationships with God. Let's spend time reading our Bibles and praying. We are blessed with the assurance that God loves us, more than anything and wants us to be the best version of ourselves by practising self-care. He wants a relationship with us. When everything that goes wrong in our lives, remember to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and draw strength and power from Him like Paul did. Feel the blessing of peace that can only come from knowing God.

It is time well spent to focus on our blessings, and how we can practise self-care to make sure we're coping with our problems and feel the blessing of peace only God can give. As Christians though, we are called to not just focus on us. Like Paul, as Christians we are called to be disciples; to love.

We need to bless others by loving them. Jesus tells us to love others in John 13: verses 34 and 35."So now I am giving you a new  commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples". (NLT) We need to love others with the self-sacrificing love that Jesus showed.

We need to be connected to Jesus and to have a relationship with Jesus so that his love flows out of us. We need to be a blessing to others. We need to love no matter what! How does our church go at practising love? Christmas hampers given out every year are one of the many ways others are blessed. I love the genuine way Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church cares for others. In this crazy world where we can be anything, let's continue to be kind! Let's give others our time. It's a most valuable resource that others need. What a privilege it is to show Jesus to others.  Spending time just listening to others. Be a hand that reaches out, be a smile for those who have no reason to smile, be a light for those who live in darkness.

These words my mother wrote the words of a song by Glen Cambell in my autograph book are so meaningful, especially when it is our prayer. I'd like to share some of these words with you here.

    Let me be a little kinder
    Let me be a little blinder
    To the faults of those about me
    Let me praise a little more

    Let me be a little meeker
    With a brother that is weaker
    Think a little more of others
    And a little less of me ...

Let's open our eyes to our blessings, let's make sure we're making time to be nurtured ourselves, and in a relationship with Jesus. Let's put our trust in Him. This way we can be a blessing to others. To love them by being Jesus hands and feet. Let's look for ways to really bless others today.

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 77 - Spring (Sep-Nov) 2023 > Blessings, Blessed, Bless (by Neroli Josey)