Thornleigh Seventh-day Adventist Church (Sydney, Australia)

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 78 - Summer (Dec-Feb) 2023/24 > The Wise Men

The Wise Men


The Bible records the time when Wise Men from the East came to visit the baby Jesus.

The Bible does not record how many men, nor does it give us their names, nor does it tell us exactly where in the East they came from.  We only know they came, and that they brought 3 very expensive gifts with them.  The Wise Men did not know who they were coming to, only that He would be a King.

Christmas is a time of giving - sometimes the gifts are expensive, but they do not have to be.  Often the gifts are wrapped in beautiful wrappings as I imagine the Wise Men's gifts were. 

However, gifts do not have to be fancy wrapped, they even do not need to cost a lot.  Often the unexpected gift, the gift that has cost nothing can give someone a lift and make their day brighter.

During the lead up to Christmas I experienced 3 gifts, they were simple gifts, gifts of thoughtfulness, they cost nothing to the giver, but they gave me a lovely feeling.

I am sure that the white hair encouraged the givers, but that does not take away from their thoughtfulness.

The first gift came in Hornsby Shopping Centre.  I had just finished a hot drink and was about to get up to do some shopping, when a young man seated near me quicky got to his feet and offered his hand to assist me in getting up.  I initially said 'I'll be fine' - but he would not be daunted and again offered his help.  A simple gift - but very much appreciated.

The second gift came a few days later.  My daughter had stopped at a post box, and I was getting out of the car to post a letter.  Before I could get out of the car, a walker passing by said 'Can I post that letter for you'.  Again, a simple act of kindness.

Three days before Christmas, the third gift was given.  I had just finished loading the grocery shopping into my car.  As I closed the boot of the car and was about to push the trolley back to the trolley bay, a man pushing his trolley back said, 'I'll take that for you'.  Simple acts of kindness.

Three gifts, from three unknown men, from unknown addresses reached out to someone they did not know, and probably will never see again, to share thoughtfulness at the Christmas season.

Remember it does not only have to be Christmas time, to reach out to people we do not know, and be thoughtful.

Home > Online Magazine > Online Magazine: Edition 78 - Summer (Dec-Feb) 2023/24 > The Wise Men